Crown It’s Up To You            Segment One         “Types, Features and Physics” Test


1. There are two basic types                                                               A. Stockpicker

of lift trucks: Straddle and ________.                                                     B. Reach

                                                                                                                        C. Semi-Counterbalance

                                                                                                                        D. Counterbalance


2. The distance from the floor to the highest                                         A. Free lift

 point in the truck when the forks are                                                   B. Extended height

fully raised is called?                                                                                    C. Collapsed height

                                                                                                                        D. Minimum fork height


3. The distance from the highest point of the truck                            A. Free lift

to the floor when the forks are fully lowered is called?                                    B. Extended height

                                                                        C. Collapsed height

                                                                                                                        D. Minimum fork height


4. The distance you are able to lift your forks before                         A. Free lift

to the floor when the forks are fully lowered is called?                                    B. Extended height

                                                                        C. Collapsed height

                                                                                                                        D. Minimum fork height


5. Free lift becomes particularly important when                           A. A warehouse with a

 we are stacking in ________                                                                       high ceiling

                                                                                                                        B. Narrow aisles

                                                                                                                        C. A trailer

                                                                                                                        D. None of the above


6. A truck with a rated capacity of 3,000 lbs at a 24” load                      A. True

center can lift 6,000 lbs if the load center is 12”.                                      B. False


7. What is the load center of a 48” long pallet, assuming                   A. 12”

that the weight is evenly distributed?                                                    B. 24”

                                                                                                                        C. 48”

                                                                                                                        D. 96”


8. The pivot point on a counterbalance truck is _____ ?                      A. At the tips of the forks

B. At the front wheels     

     between the load and

     the counterweight

C. At the tips of the outriggers

D. Always changing positions


9. Most trucks have a _____ point suspension.                                       A. One

                                                                                                                        B. Two

                                                                                                                        C. Three

                                                                                                                        D. Four

Crown It’s Up To You            Segment One         “Types, Features and Physics” Test


10. The center of gravity can shift on a moving truck.                            A. True

                                                                                                                        B. False


11. Cornering a truck moves the center of gravity to the             A. True

center of the truck.                                                                                       B. False


12. If the center of gravity goes outside of the ________,                 A. Capacity

the truck can become unstable.                                                                     B. Load center

                                                                                                                        C. Pivot point

                                                                                                                        D. Stability triangle


13. The grade that a truck operates on can affect its                         A. True

load-handling capacity.                                                                                 B. False


14. Besides the weight capacity of a truck, what else on                        A. How long the truck is

the data plate determines how much the truck can pick up?                  B. The load center rating

                                                                                                                             of the truck

                                                                                                                        C. The center of gravity of the


                                                                                                                        D. The heavier the battery,

                                                                                                                             the more it can pick up


15. Powered industrial trucks can be powered by                            A. Diesel Fuel

                                                                                                                        B. Gasoline

                                                                                                                        C. Batteries

                                                                                                                        D. Propane

                                                                                                                        E. All of the above


16. A forklift with a 3,000 lb capacity at a 24” load center can                  A. 4,000 lbs

safely lift _______            if the load center is 48” ?                                       B. 3,500 lbs

                                                                                                                        C. 3,000 lbs

                                                                                                                        D. 1,500 lbs


17. Longer forks can increase a truck’s load handling capacity?            A. True

                                                                                                                        B. False


18. Counterbalance trucks use outriggers                                           A. True

to help balance the truck.                                                                           B. False


19. The “load center” on a 48” pallet carrying only a 30” box                    A. True

on the front tip of the pallet is 24”.                                                               B. False


20. The capacity of a powered industrial truck is                                    A. True

stamped on the frame.                                                                               B. False


Crown It’s Up To You            Segment Two         “Inspecting Your Vehicle” Test


1. You don’t need to do a pre-shift inspection if the truck was              A. True

used on the previous shift.                                                                                    B. False


2. A pre-shift inspection should include                                                            A. Check data plate

                                                                                                                        B. Check tires for excessive


C. Check hoses, chains and

     cables  for leaks and breaks

D. Check lights, horn, gauges

     and displays

E. All of the above


3. If you are not feeling well, you probably should                         A. Take an extra break during

                                                       your shift

                                                B. Be more careful than usual

                                                C. Not operate a powered

     industrial truck

D. Drive a little slower than usual

E. All of the above


4. At the pre-shift inspection, you should check your                              A. Proper water level

truck’s battery for                                                                                            B. Correct weight and size

                                                                                                                             for the truck

                                                                                                                        C. Level of charge

                                                                                                                        D. Missing cell caps

                                                                                                                        E. All of the above


5. Plugging stops a truck faster than its regular brakes.                       A. True

                                                                                                                        B. False


6. If a truck is not operating correctly, you should                         A. Not operate the truck

                                                                                                                        B. Remove the keys or           

                                                                                                                             tag the truck

                                                                                                                        C. Notify your supervisor     

                                                                                                                        D. All of the above


7. You should check braking and plugging at both a                                     A. True

slow and a faster speed during your pre-operational check.             B. False


Crown It’s Up To You            Segment Three      “Driving Your Truck” Test


1. Since not all people use the seatbelts on Sit-Down               A. True

trucks, their use is optional.                                                         B. False


2. Always allow _____ truck lengths between vehicles                      A. 1                 C. 3

when traveling.                                                                                 B. 2                 D. 4


3. Wet or slippery floors cause no problems to                            A. True

powered industrial truck operation.                                           B. False


4. Always use the rearview mirrors when backing up.                A. True

                                                                                                            B. False


5. When approaching an intersection                                        A. Slow down a little

                                                                                                            B. Honk and go

                                                                                                            C. Proceed if you have the

                                                                                                                 right of way

                                                                                                            D. Look both ways, slow down or stop,                                                                                                                               continue only if safe


6. Wheel “chocks” are never necessary if the truck                      A. True

is locked to the dock.                                                                    B. False


7. Stopping on a dockplate is ok if you chock the wheels.            A. True

                                                                                                            B. False


8. When entering a rail car, always check that                               A. Rail car brakes are set

                                                                                                            B. Dockboard has proper capacity

                                                                                                            C. Mast, overhead guard and load

                                                                                                                 will pass through the door

                                                                                                            D. All of the above

                                                                                                            E. None of the above


9. On a rider truck always                                                               A. Travel with the load uphill on a ramp

B. Travel with the load downhill on a


C. Stay on the right on a ramp to allow

     oncoming traffic to pass

D. Honk your horn to draw attention


10. When entering an elevator, drive the truck so that                         A. True

the load goes on last.                                                                        B. False


11. Railroad tracks are crossed straight-on                              A. True

at a moderate speed.                                                                        B. False




Crown It’s Up To You            Segment Three      “Driving Your Truck” Test


12. Reversing the drive motor to slow down                           A. Braking

or stop a truck is called                                                             B. Dragging

                                                                                                            C. Electro-mechanical deacceleration

                                                                                                            D. Plugging


13. Power to the brake motor is usually cut off when the            A. True

brake is applied on most trucks.                                                   B. False


14. When not using your truck                                                    A. Park in an out-of-the-way place

                                                                                                            B. Lower the forks

                                                                                                            C. Set the parking brake

                                                                                                            D. Turn the truck off

                                                                                                            E. All of the above


15. Always travel in the direction that                                     A. Is most comfortable for

                                                                                                                 the operator

                                                                                                            B. Offers the best visibility of the load

                                                                                                            C. Offers the best visibility of the                                                                                                                                    travel direction

                                                                                                            D. Your supervisor tells you

Crown It’s Up To You            Segment Four        “Load Handling” Test


1. The maximum load capacity of your truck depends on            A. How thick the forks are

                                                                                                            B. The size of the tires on the truck

                                                                                                            C. The capacity and load center

                                                                                                                 rating on the truck

                                                                                                            D. The rated horsepower of the truck


2. The load center rating assumes                                            A. True

an evenly distributed load.                                                                B. False


3. Forks should support that percentage of the                               A. One third

length of the load?                                                                          B. One half

                                                                                                            C. Two thirds

                                                                                                            D. Three fourths

                                                                                                            E. The full length


4. Loads become more stable when tilted against the                 A. True

load backrest since the center of gravity is moved                        B. False

further back into the stability triangle.


5. When setting a load down                                                   A. Position the load

                                                                                                            B. Straighten the mast if tilted

                                                                                                            C. Set the load down

                                                                                                            D. Remove the forks

                                                                                                            E. All of the above


6. Forks should be                                                                               A. Centered on the truck

                                                                                                            B. Centered on the load

                                                                                                            C. Centered on the truck and the load

                                                                                                            D. Greased often


7. Unstable loads should be restacked before moving.                       A. True

                                                                                                            B. False


8. The heaviest part of a load should be                                           A. Avoided

                                                                                                            B. Closest to the fork tips

                                                                                                            C. Closest to the fork carriage

                                                                                                            D. Restacked on two pallets


Crown It’s Up To You            Segment Five         “Charging and Fueling” Test


1. Specific procedures for charging or fueling your truck    A. The type of truck

depend on                                                                                          B. The manufacturer’s


C. Facility specific rules

D. All of the above


2. The truck should be turned off an the parking brake              A. True

set before charging or changing the truck’s battery                        B. False


3. MSDS stands for                                                                               A. Management Structure Definition


B. Massive Safety Detail Steps

C. Motion Sensing Device Standards

D. Material Safety Data Sheets


4. Protective equipment should be worn whenever                    A. True

“watering” a battery.                                                                                   B. False


5. Electric Industrial Trucks are typically powered by                A. Industrial lead-acid batteries

                                                                                                            B. Ni-Cad batteries

                                                                                                            C. Automotive type batteries

                                                                                                            D. 462 D-Cells


6. Batteries normally should be charged                                              A. When they get hot

                                                                                                            B. After about 8 hours or one shift

                                                                                                                 of operation

                                                                                                            C. After about 16 hours of operation

                                                                                                            D. When the truck stops


7. Since all chargers are alike, any battery can be                    A. True

any charger.                                                                                       B. False


Crown It’s Up To You            Segment Six           “Safety Concerns” Test


1.  Safety features can be temporarily removed            if they              A. True

slow productivity and do not interfere with truck operation.            B. False


2. Pre-operational checks can be skipped if you are                       A. True

taking the truck over from someone else.                            B. False


3. You can safely lift any load that weighs less than the             A. True

truck’s rated capacity.                                                                     B. False


4. People who sound their horn are                                     A. Showing off

                                                                                                            B. Alerting others that they are

                                                                                                                 in the area

                                                                                                            C. Trying to get the right-of-way

                                                                                                            D. Musically inclined


5. Always drive with the load raised for better visibility.                      A. True

                                                                                                            B. False


6. Extra riders are OK for short distances only.                            A. True

                                                                                                            B. False


7. Walkie trucks with a load should                                        A. Travel with the load downhill

                                                                                                                 if possible

                                                                                                            B. If necessary, travel with the load

                                                                                                                 uphill and the operator to the side

                                                                                                            C. Travel in the center of ramps

                                                                                                            D. Stabilize the load before traveling

                                                                                                                 on ramps

                                                                                                            E. All of the above


8. It’s OK to raise a qualified maintenance person                        A. True

on a pallet if it’s chained to the forks.                                            B. False


9. Because of their size, powered industrial trucks              A. True

have the right of way in all situations.                                           B. False


10. Never drive towards a person who is standing in                         A. True

front of a fixed object.                                                               B. False


11. At intersections you should                                                      A. Slow down or stop

                                                                                                            B. Look both ways

                                                                                                            C. Sound your horn

                                                                                                            D. All of the above

Crown It’s Up To You            Segment Six           “Safety Concerns” Test


12. On a level surface, if the load blocks the operator’s            A. Travel with the load trailing

view, the operator should                                                             B. Have someone direct you

                                                                                                            C. Restack the load so that you

                                                                                                                 can see over it

                                                                                                            D. Any of the above


13. Any part of your body caught between a powered                     A. Cut off

industrial truck and a stationary object will be                          B. Crushed

                                                                                                            C. Severely injured

                                                                                                            D. One of the above, depending on

                                                                                                                 the situation


14. Additional information regarding the safe operation            A. At your local library

of your powered industrial truck can be found                           B. In the truck’s operator’s manual

                                                                                                            C. On warning and informational labels

                                                                                                                 on the truck

                                                                                                            D. B and C